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Post & message count Date Author Title or First Words
Some Flaws in Objectivism (1) 2022/11/17 curi I think Rand was wrong to emphasize selfishness and egoism so much, instead of placing more emphasis on rejecting inherent conflicts of interest, seeking win/win solutions, aiming for classical liberal social harmony, etc.
Deplatforming and Fraud (483) 2022/08/21 curi This topic has been continued at
Alex Epstein Attacks Liberty (6) 2022/07/10 curi I got a question related to this article: and I replied:
Open Discussion (2021) (123) 2022/04/04 Anonymous testing
Fact Checking Ann Coulter (1) 2022/01/10 curi Here's a factual error from Coulter:
Harassment Summary (20) 2022/01/01 curi Added [Reactions to Abuse Victims]( (from my forum) to the list of posts.
Bad SEP Scholarship (2) 2021/12/04 curi They still haven't fixed anything.
Analysis of David Deutsch’s The Final Prejudice (2) 2021/11/07 Anonymous > Also later, when Picard pretends that Riker is his father and hugs him (to fool their captors), Riker finds that awkward because he does remember that it’s his captain, not a child. gp!
Super Fast Super AIs (1) 2021/09/22 Andy Dufresne > I don’t think the person has considered that 100 people have 100x the computing power of 1 person. So to a first approximation, a superfast 100x AI is as valuable (mentally not physically) as 100 people. There's another value I would consider b
Deutsch Misquoted Turing (15) 2021/09/15 Max > Do peer reviewers or editors not check quotes or cites? I've found a few mis-citations recently (doing research for work). Things like citing a paper for some specific term, but the term doesn't appear in that paper (some tangentially similar thi
David Deutsch Harassment Update for September 2021 (10) 2021/09/14 curi In 2006 DD called 75 "top professors and leading academics" "criminally insane": *oxfordphysicist:* > "75 top professors and leading academics" are criminally insane: >
History of Greece by William Godwin (1) 2021/09/06 Anonymous looks like someone uploaded this to
Evaporating Clouds (10) 2021/09/02 curi I shared the evaporating clouds trees at
Ayn Rand Lexicon Quote Checking (1) 2021/08/13 curi Sad to see that Thomas Szasz had some quoting errors, though not as many as Deutsch. Those are in an early Szasz book. I wonder if books near the end of his career are the same, better or worse
Discussion with Aubrey de Grey (1) 2021/08/11 curi > If you're interested in SENS, read Aubrey de Grey's book Ending Aging. I read it and think it's a good book with good arguments (something I don't say lightly, as you can see by the critical scrutiny I've subjected Ann Coulter and others to.) I h
Misquotes by David Deutsch (27) 2021/08/09 curi There are a bunch of factual and scholarship errors in *Why We Sleep*. Authorities like the author's university and publisher refused to care. Some of the dishonesty and consequences (e.g. errors in the book being copied into papers) remind me of what
UK Conservative Party Isn't Very Conservative (2) 2021/07/31 Anonymous Relevant [image]
Aubrey de Grey Discussion, 5 (1) 2021/07/25 curi Rereading this today, the lack of Goldratt stuff stands out to me. I don't clearly differentiate between criticisms that matter to constraints and those that don't. I don't clearly say a criticism has to point out a reason an idea *will fail*, or else
David Deutsch Smears Ayn Rand (9) 2021/07/16 curi Edited in a note saying I was mistaken about one of my claims: > DD made the context harder to check because he left out the source of the quote. In the past, in my experience, DD was great at attributing quotes accurately, and he thought it was im
Beginning of Infinity Website Removed in Protest (2) 2021/07/16 curi Two CritRats have posted harassing comments on two of my YouTube videos – and then deleted their own comments (I think? Or YouTube deleted them? I didn't.) – since I took down the BoI website. One was a guy I didn't know with an old account, wh
David Deutsch Wants to Control Others and His Reputation (1) 2021/07/12 Anonymous > He just sabotages parents behind the scenes after founding a parenting movement at around age 38 and putting his intellectual reputation (e.g. as a book author) behind it. In 1998, SFC introduced DD like this on TCS list, and used DD's profession
No Contact Request (9) 2021/07/12 Anonymous David Deutsch publicly tweeted to Ashik just two days before Ashik wrote harassing comments on Elliot's video complaining about DD-related harassment. DD tweeted: > Replying to @ashi
Rationally Resolving Conflicts of Ideas (241) 2021/07/10 curi Another relevant post:
Sam Harris on Defamation; Comments on David Deutsch and Others Defaming Me (1) 2021/07/04 curi To be clear: It is my understanding that DD defamed me. I am not a lawyer. You can read what he said, and the facts, and judge for yourself. See
Lulie Tanett Defended Me (1) 2021/07/04 curi > Kevin’s home on another continent is where Lulie spent many of her summers growing up (Sarah was divorced and polyamorous until Lulie was around age 18). To clarify, the parenthetical is a guess about how this makes any sense. I included it bec

Recent Individual Messages

Title or First Words Author Post Date
I think Rand was wrong to emphasize selfishness and egoism so much, instead of placing more emphasis on rejecting inherent conflicts of interest, seeking win/win solutions, aiming for classical liberal social harmony, etc. curi Some Flaws in Objectivism 2022/11/17
This topic has been continued at curi Deplatforming and Fraud 2022/08/21
I got a question related to this article: and I replied: curi Alex Epstein Attacks Liberty 2022/07/10
testing Anonymous Open Discussion (2021) 2022/04/04
Here's a factual error from Coulter: curi Fact Checking Ann Coulter 2022/01/10
Added [Reactions to Abuse Victims]( (from my forum) to the list of posts. curi Harassment Summary 2022/01/01
They still haven't fixed anything. curi Bad SEP Scholarship 2021/12/04
> Also later, when Picard pretends that Riker is his father and hugs him (to fool their captors), Riker finds that awkward because he does remember that it’s his captain, not a child. gp! Anonymous Analysis of David Deutsch’s The Final Prejudice 2021/11/07
> That is the attitude we have come to expect from those good people of the 24th century, to whom racism and all similar prejudices are incomprehensible historical aberrations. i know The Original Series stuff is earlier than TNG. but this still s Anonymous Analysis of David Deutsch’s The Final Prejudice 2021/11/07
> I don’t think the person has considered that 100 people have 100x the computing power of 1 person. So to a first approximation, a superfast 100x AI is as valuable (mentally not physically) as 100 people. There's another value I would consider b Andy Dufresne Super Fast Super AIs 2021/09/22
> Do peer reviewers or editors not check quotes or cites? I've found a few mis-citations recently (doing research for work). Things like citing a paper for some specific term, but the term doesn't appear in that paper (some tangentially similar thi Max Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/09/15
Also what is wrong with their organization that they are too disorganized to respond to issues like this in a timely way or on their own initiative? I had to ask twice about the outcome of their investigation, because they didn't tell me when they wer curi Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/09/14
After getting a response for the publisher, I added a major update at the bottom of the post. curi Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/09/14
In 2006 DD called 75 "top professors and leading academics" "criminally insane": *oxfordphysicist:* > "75 top professors and leading academics" are criminally insane: > curi David Deutsch Harassment Update for September 2021 2021/09/14
DD giving me advice in 2010: 17:21:50 curidotus: should i seek the trappings of authority about anything? 17:22:20 oxfordphysicist: ATM only the trapping of having published in a peer-reviewed Journal. (I did not agree, and I didn't ask that qu curi David Deutsch Harassment Update for September 2021 2021/09/14
> #5 Max, IMO the best, simplest argument that you're not my sock puppet is that we have many hours of voice discussion on YouTube. You also have your own websites and online identity/history/etc. Oh yeah, heh. This mb works for both of the things Max David Deutsch Harassment Update for September 2021 2021/09/11
#6 Andy and others don't want to write up their claims about what did and didn't happen, and what the facts are, due to the high chance of being caught in a lie. (Sharing the truth won't help them.) It'd also open them up to clarifying questions about curi David Deutsch Harassment Update for September 2021 2021/09/11
#5 Max, IMO the best, simplest argument that you're not my sock puppet is that we have many hours of voice discussion on YouTube. You also have your own websites and online identity/history/etc. I was being flippant saying they'd doubt there's anyo curi David Deutsch Harassment Update for September 2021 2021/09/11
#2 > I fear they'll just say you're my sock puppet and ignore your point. What proof is there that I ever gave anyone else an account? I wrote a post that provides evidence that I was given an account: [I Support Elliot Temple (regarding ongoing Max David Deutsch Harassment Update for September 2021 2021/09/10
#3 DD is hypocritical about it. E.g. he doesn't view LT or SFC as his own sock puppet. Anonymous David Deutsch Harassment Update for September 2021 2021/09/10
> DD once suggested to me that people who agree with me – IIRC Justin was the example given – basically count as my sock puppets anyway, and don't count as real human beings. I recall encountering people with a similar view in the past (who e. Actual human being Justin Mallone David Deutsch Harassment Update for September 2021 2021/09/10
> When critrats inevitably discuss this thread in private, I wonder if they'll consider the restraint you've shown (over *years*). I mean, those quotes at the end are all at least 10 years old. A *decade*. I fear they'll just say you're my sock pup curi David Deutsch Harassment Update for September 2021 2021/09/09
> I found out from multiple community members that DD personally contacted them (over 5 years ago) and tried to recruit them to his side and turn them against me. DD did this in writing and I've received documentation. I'm appalled. Not just by wha Anonymous David Deutsch Harassment Update for September 2021 2021/09/09
looks like someone uploaded this to Anonymous History of Greece by William Godwin 2021/09/06
I shared the evaporating clouds trees at curi Evaporating Clouds 2021/09/02
Added a 4th update. curi Bad SEP Scholarship 2021/08/22
Sad to see that Thomas Szasz had some quoting errors, though not as many as Deutsch. Those are in an early Szasz book. I wonder if books near the end of his career are the same, better or worse curi Ayn Rand Lexicon Quote Checking 2021/08/13
> If you're interested in SENS, read Aubrey de Grey's book Ending Aging. I read it and think it's a good book with good arguments (something I don't say lightly, as you can see by the critical scrutiny I've subjected Ann Coulter and others to.) I h curi Discussion with Aubrey de Grey 2021/08/11
There are a bunch of factual and scholarship errors in *Why We Sleep*. Authorities like the author's university and publisher refused to care. Some of the dishonesty and consequences (e.g. errors in the book being copied into papers) remind me of what curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/08/09
I received a tip quoting BoI: > To this day, most courses in the philosophy of knowledge teach that knowledge is some form of *justified, true belief*, where ‘justified’ means designated as true (or at least ‘probable’) by reference to some curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/31 Relevant [image] Anonymous UK Conservative Party Isn't Very Conservative 2021/07/31
I checked some citations in the Ayn Rand Lexicon. I found some issues Justin Mallone Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/26
Rereading this today, the lack of Goldratt stuff stands out to me. I don't clearly differentiate between criticisms that matter to constraints and those that don't. I don't clearly say a criticism has to point out a reason an idea *will fail*, or else curi Aubrey de Grey Discussion, 5 2021/07/25
The Feynman fooling yourself misquote was published in 1999 without quote marks around it or a source:“science+is+what+we+have+learned+about+how+ curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/18
Edited in a note saying I was mistaken about one of my claims: > DD made the context harder to check because he left out the source of the quote. In the past, in my experience, DD was great at attributing quotes accurately, and he thought it was im curi David Deutsch Smears Ayn Rand 2021/07/16
Two CritRats have posted harassing comments on two of my YouTube videos – and then deleted their own comments (I think? Or YouTube deleted them? I didn't.) – since I took down the BoI website. One was a guy I didn't know with an old account, wh curi Beginning of Infinity Website Removed in Protest 2021/07/16
Updated the post b/c DD put the same Turing misquote – but modified with an additional error – in FoR. curi Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/15
Correction: There are two UK intellectuals, both connected with Oxford, named "Michael Lockwood". DD's friend, who is cited in both of DD's books, appears *not* to be the royal society guy, though I don't know how to look it up properly because the Anonymous Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/13 > Michael [Lockwood] is also distinguished for his use of spacecraft to investigate the flow of particles from one part of the atmosphere into another — the ionosphere (the upper part that c Anonymous Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/13
Updated the post: **Update, 2021-07-13:** I made two videos related to DD misquotes: [Video about the Feynman misquote:]( "Science is what we have learned about how to keep from fooling ourselves.". Th curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/13
FoR: > ‘He thought,’ as Feynman once put it, ‘that he understood paper.’ But he was mistaken. And DD said it in: > As Richard Feynman remarke curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/13
#8 Maybe one or two people tried to do that. Who knows if they were good at what they were doing. Even if good, they could have missed something. I was just talking with a friend about it before seeing your comment. I don't know if the math or phys Anonymous Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/12 When I see misquotes like the one in Deutsch’s paper that haven’t been noticed for decades, I wonder what else doesn’t stand up. Like has anyone actually ch Dec Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/12
#6 Awful. They clearly copied it from a secondary source (DD) without checking the primary source, and without attributing it to where they got it. And they present it like the whole thing is a Turing quote that contains internal quotation makes. Did Anonymous Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/12 Here’s an instance of Deutsch’s paraphrase being confused with an actual Turing quote. This is from a Stanford University quantum computer science course: Dec Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/12
> He just sabotages parents behind the scenes after founding a parenting movement at around age 38 and putting his intellectual reputation (e.g. as a book author) behind it. In 1998, SFC introduced DD like this on TCS list, and used DD's profession Anonymous David Deutsch Wants to Control Others and His Reputation 2021/07/12
#4 Based on a quick search, Nick Lockwood wrote around 300 TCS emails from his main email. He's now blocking me on Twitter. I don't know when or why. We never talked a lot. His involvement in TCS was more before I joined. Later, he publicly call curi Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/12
> DD's paper was published in *Proceedings of the Royal Society of London* The head editor of that journal, today, is DD's friend, Michael Lockwood (ML). I don't know when he became head editor. I searched briefly and didn't find a timeline for pre Anonymous Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/12
#16 The plagiarist Lucas Smalldon (@reason_wit_me) is tweeting with Andy B a lot more: [image] [image] ![]( Anonymous Harassment Summary 2021/07/12
David Deutsch publicly tweeted to Ashik just two days before Ashik wrote harassing comments on Elliot's video complaining about DD-related harassment. DD tweeted: > Replying to @ashi Anonymous No Contact Request 2021/07/12 > To be acceptable for publication a paper should represent a significant advance in its field, rather than something incremental. > Manuscrip curi Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/12 > **Reviewing instructions** > Attention should be paid to: > References — these should be appropriate, relevant, and devoid of unnecessary self-citations. That doesn't spec curi Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/12
The volume number being off by 400 violates expectations for people familiar with the context who know what sort of numbers to expect and who actually read that journal. DD wrote a number that won't exist for a long time if ever. It's like if you c curi Deutsch Misquoted Turing 2021/07/12
Updated the post to link at the bottom curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/12
#18 is by Bruce, one of the harassment leaders who is buddies with Andy B. DD himself recently chose to be hosted by Bruce and help promote Bruce: Anonymous Harassment Summary 2021/07/11 is currently linking to Andy's BoI subreddit on the sidebar. Anonymous Harassment Summary 2021/07/11
Step 1: Harass curi on a video complaining about harassment. And try to imply he's making it all up. Step 2: Delete your YouTube comments when you realize (or your buddy Andy B messages you and tells you) that harassing curi makes him look correct. Anonymous No Contact Request 2021/07/11
It's weird how they tell curi to drop it – and go do something else (when it's directly affecting his life, like currently preventing most people from writing comments here) – but don't tell Andy or DD to drop it. Shouldn't Andy or DD have someth Anonymous No Contact Request 2021/07/11
#8 I've been accused of being a sockpuppet of Elliot's in the past, despite my independent existence not being very hard to verify Justin Mallone No Contact Request 2021/07/11
Andy B has claimed to CritRats that my discussion community is smaller than it looks and that lots of the accounts are my sockpuppets. I thought this was projection: he uses lots of sockpuppets and assumes others are like him. But now that I see DD curi No Contact Request 2021/07/11
#6 In 2013, Matjaz was using a fake name ("Psevdo Nim") to email my community offlist to have private gossip discussions saying I'm mean. after failure and an 8 month break from talking with my source, matjaz then, out of the blue, tried again to cont curi No Contact Request 2021/07/11
#5 Ashik tweeted to DD at least 114 times, Brett at least 95 times, Lulie at least 24 times, and MatjazLeonardis at least 12 times (Matjaz is a CritRat who caused trouble years before Andy B showed up). That's in only 342 tweets. His Twitter feed is v Anonymous No Contact Request 2021/07/11
The CritRat "ashik dragneel" violated this no contact request in order to harass me on YouTube. [Video: Talking About David Deutsch and Andy B Harassment]( ![]( curi No Contact Request 2021/07/11
made video and added to post curi Harassment Summary 2021/07/11
I talked about the harassment problem in a video: curi Beginning of Infinity Website Removed in Protest 2021/07/11
Another relevant post: curi Rationally Resolving Conflicts of Ideas 2021/07/10
#15 His Andy B association: [From] Lucas Smalldon @reason_wit_me Thank you @paligap17 and @SeekingApatheia for highlighting the confusing usage of "infinitely" in my origin Anonymous Harassment Summary 2021/07/10
Another CritRat is blatantly plagiarizing Elliot: Guy is tweeting about how he's taking feedback from Andy B on the post. See e.g. Elliot's: https://www.yesornoph Anonymous Harassment Summary 2021/07/10
#19 It's automatization not automization curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/09
I ran into this automization quoting problem when editing my new article: I wrote it before the recent misquotes stuff. Then when reviewing it today, I saw a quote sourced to the lexicon and curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/09
#17 I also didn't verify the RM hardback page number cite. I just verified the paperback page 36. curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/09
I checked a copy of the Lexicon book. The errors are part of the website but not the book. HB's book got both cites right. Also, Wikipedia is wrong that the 2nd edition of RM came out in 1975. The 1971 version I checked out from is the curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/09
So right quote, wrong source. I was correct in suspecting HB didn't make it up. And the second quote on the lexicon page shows the cover for the 2nd edition of RM, and the book link goes to an info page with the 2nd ed cover and a buy link to the 2 curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/09
Bing searched part of the quote. Found: > “Learning to speak is a process of automatizing the use (i.e., the meaning and the application) of concepts. And more: all learning involves a p curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/09
Looks like there are two editions: > It was first published in 1969, with a second, revised edition published in 1975. And: > A paperback edition was published by New American Library i curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/09
#12 Got the ebook with "revised edition" cover and it has the same text as my centennial edition. There are many different covers on Bing image search: [image] curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/09
#11 Trying to find a different edition as an ebook and I saw a second cover for the book which says "Revised Edition" on the cover. curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/09
I checked the quotes on this page: The first one is so different that I suspect it's from a different edition of the book. The other three match exactly. The edition issue is problematic b curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/09
I discuss a BoI Feynman misquote in curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/08
Took down BoI website in protest and added link for that. Made forum megathread for discussing this stuff: curi Harassment Summary 2021/07/08
A blog post checking Szasz quotes: oh my god it's turpentine Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/06
Added new last para to post saying ppl can ask me questions since i shared lots of info but ofc it's incomplete. And if any CritRat is actually willing to discuss the problem, plz email me. (So far none of them have been willing to discuss it, which i curi Harassment Summary 2021/07/06
DD's misquotes are non-random and they got significantly worse in BoI than FoR. Therefore it's not just being bad at typing. It could involve a bias like he double checks quotes when they sound bad to him, but doesn't double check when they sound g curi Harassment Summary 2021/07/06
#10 i liked his criticism of the argument that it was just the guy's personal account (by bringing up that the status of his account on twitter is based on his professional role). I'm also kind of amazed how unprofessional people feel comfortable a Anonymous Harassment Summary 2021/07/05
This is a good example of what promoting harassment looks like. The Lead Product Manager from Blizzard is in a similar role to DD. (Except that DD actually personally did harassment by lying to smear me – that both encourages harassment and *is* har curi Harassment Summary 2021/07/05
It's hard to tell if DD lacks the skill to reliably copy a quote word for word or is making changes on purpose to make things sound nicer, or both. I think he did have the skill to find wording differences if he triple checked the quotes. He could curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/05
#6 I updated the post at the end of the "Misquotes in *The Beginning of Infinity*" section. While updating, I also caught that DD added two italicizations in BoI that weren't in FoR. curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/05
#4 The statue example is from FoR ch. 1. I see that it was also repeated in BoI. I checked the FoR quote in BoI and it's a misquote. *DD can't/doesn't even quote himself accurately.* DD changed "it is" to "they are" in "understand why it is there". curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/05
#4 I wasn't logged in the first time I tried to post this message. After logging in and re-pasting, I missed adding a couple of line breaks, which should appear in the middle of the second quote. "This reminded me of Deutsch's example of the coppe Andy Dufresne Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/05
#1 I'm not interested enough to investigate in detail. However, a quick search turned up a summary (*Not primary source*) of Quine's view which seems compatible with BoI's reality of abstractions chapter with one major exception. https://iep.utm.e Andy Dufresne Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/05
added more posts. i'd still prefer deescalation. i wish any CritRats would get in touch with me about conflict resolution. curi Harassment Summary 2021/07/04
To be clear: It is my understanding that DD defamed me. I am not a lawyer. You can read what he said, and the facts, and judge for yourself. See curi Sam Harris on Defamation; Comments on David Deutsch and Others Defaming Me 2021/07/04
#2 not surprising. There's basically a whole extra book in the endnotes of some of Popper's books. He was a serious scholar. Justin Mallone Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/04
Alan checked some quotes Popper gave in his books and found they were accurate, unlike DD's quoting: curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/04
Someone told me: > Also Deutsch doesn't give credit to Quine for his reality of abstractions idea. I haven't read Quine. Anyone want to investigate or blog about it? curi Misquotes by David Deutsch 2021/07/04
> Kevin’s home on another continent is where Lulie spent many of her summers growing up (Sarah was divorced and polyamorous until Lulie was around age 18). To clarify, the parenthetical is a guess about how this makes any sense. I included it bec curi Lulie Tanett Defended Me 2021/07/04
added more posts. btw some ppl seem to think "ofc he's mad; you wrote a bunch of negative posts about him" but they aren't thinking about the timeline. harassment came first, then i tried to talk with DD privately, then later I wrote stuff, mostly curi Harassment Summary 2021/07/03
#52 The quote Sarah took down is: > “The condition of a … slave in the West-Indies, is in many respects preferable to that of the youthful son of a free-born European. The slave is purchased upon a view of mercantile speculation; and, when he h Anonymous David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/07/01
The sites are back up, but the Godwin quote on Sarah's quotation page is gone. Search "slave" on and to compare. That shows that they read this blog and are aware of the case aga Anonymous David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/07/01
#50 It's the first of the month. Did they just not pay the web host..? And Sarah, Lulie, TCS and BoI are all on the same hosting account (or even same individual server?), which helps show how connected they are? Sarah's secret naughty site is also Anonymous David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/07/01
#49 is also down Looks like incompetence. is still up Anonymous David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/07/01
Sarah may have taken down her website in response to this post? Or perhaps it was more about this previous post: Or maybe they're just too incompetent to run websites? https://www.fitz-claridge Anonymous David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/07/01
added *What Happened with David Deutsch* and *Lulie Defended Me* curi Harassment Summary 2021/06/28
The author of replied to my email and changed the quote to a correct one. I don't see any mention of the edit on the page, though. Also, I mentioned the possibility of discussing the substance of his article at the CF f curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/27
#20640 DD refusing to let me post that anonymously is from memory. I haven't found the relevant IMs. (I did an email search and only found me sharing it publicly five times.) My recollection is that I always preferred to attribute things to DD to to a curi The Uncertainty Principle 2021/06/26
#46 Reisman says: > We cannot know if Ayn Rand was addressing a complexity in her position that was too subtle for Prof. Mayhew to follow and that he mistakenly inferred a contradiction of her published position when in fact there was none. Anonymous David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/26
The physics argument after the first paragraph was written by David Deutsch, not me. He gave me permission to post it, but only under my own name. I first posted it to the *Fabric of Reality* discussion group in 2011, and after sharing it several time curi The Uncertainty Principle 2021/06/26
Wonderful anti-misquoting post: curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/26
The misquotes issue in general is so screwed up. How can people engage in substantive discussion and debate when they can’t even quote each other? How can they do Paths Forward, and take responsibility for other people’s writing, when they can’t curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/25
Added 2 more posts and reorganized the links a bit with the new "David Deutsch Background Information & Context" section. curi Harassment Summary 2021/06/25
Justin, Alan and others, if you want to fact check some Ayn Rand Lexicon quotes and blog your results, I'd be interested. curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/25
Both bloggers who I emailed about misquotes have not replied so far. I think most people just kinda don't care. I remember when Harry Binswanger cited a Popper quote to *the wrong book* and did not care about his error. He's not just a professional curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/25
I replied to Dec: People/society are bad at lots of things, for lots of reasons. Quoting is on the list but unfortunately I think we’ve got plenty o curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/25
#34 None of the books contain the word "scum" so neither quote appears in those books. oh my god it's turpentine David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/25
BoI has: 188: .’ 88: ’. DD is not consistent about putting punctuation before or after quotes. FoR is also inconsistent about it. This makes sentence truncations more confusing/ambiguous. curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
> So if DD relied on that source If he wants to rely on secondary sources, he could at least cite which ones he used. When you don't give a source, what is anyone to do but check the primary source? Anonymous David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
#37 The book ["Fair Representation - Meeting the Ideal of One Man, One Vote"]( has the misquote of "to inspiration" though it provides the full quote I did. So if DD re Justin Mallone David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
From BoI chapter 13, Choices: > Representative Roger Q. Mills of Texas complained in 1882, ‘I thought . . . that mathematics was a divine science. I thought that mathematics was the only science that spoke to inspiration and was infallible in its Justin Mallone David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
from BoI chapter 13, Choices > On the face of it, the issue seems no more than a technicality: in the US House of Representatives, how many seats should each state be allotted? This is known as the apportionment problem, because the US Constitution Justin Mallone David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
#18 > I know DD is a poor typist which could be a contributing factor. It’s weird that he never learned to type well considering that he’s an author and that he’s also written a lot more by email and IM than in his books. He spends a ton of Anonymous David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
#30 > That Hawking quote doesn’t appear in the following books written or cowritten by Hawking: “The large scale structure of space-time”, “A Brief History of Time”, “The Grand Design”, “The Nature of Space and Time" and “The Uni curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
FoR: > ...‘time can be thought of as a line (theoretically, of infinite length) on which is located, as a continuously moving point, the present moment. Anything ahead of the present moment is in the future, and anything behind it is in the past. curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
FoR: > Mystery is part of the very concept of time that we grow up with. St Augustine, for example, said: > > What then is time? If no one asks me, I know; if I wish to explain it to one who asks, I know not. (Confessions) Here’s the text in curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
BoI: > As Hawking has said: > > I don’t think the human race will survive the next thousand years, unless we spread into space. There are too many accidents that can befall life on a single planet. But I’m an optimist. We will reach out to the curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
#29 That Hawking quote doesn’t appear in the following books written or cowritten by Hawking: “The large scale structure of space-time”, “A Brief History of Time”, “The Grand Design”, “The Nature of Space and Time" and “The Universe oh my god it's turpentine David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
From FoR: > So it seems that, as Stephen Hawking put it, ‘The human race is just a chemical scum on a moderate-sized planet, orbiting round a very average star in the outer suburb of one among a hundred billion galaxies.’ and from BoI: > curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
FoR: > > Like as the waves make towards the pebbled shore, > > So do our minutes hasten to their end; > > Each changing place with that which goes before, > > In sequent toil all forwards do contend. > William Shakespeare (Sonnet 60) Th curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
BoI: > As Dawkins has pointed out: > > > A gene pool is carved and whittled through generations of ancestral natural selection to fit [a particular] environment. In theory a knowledgeable zoologist, presented with the complete transcript of a ge curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
FoR: > The Nobel prize-winning physicist Steven Weinberg was in instrumentalist mood when he made the following extraordinary comment about Einstein's explanation of gravity: > > > The important thing is to be able to make predictions about image curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
quotes oh my god it's turpentine David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
BoI: > For example, in ‘Reflections on my Critics’ the philosopher Thomas Kuhn wrote: > > > There is [a step] which many philosophers of science wish to take and which I refuse. They wish, that is, to compare [scientific] theories as represe curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
#22 the quote at the start of my comment is from BoI curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
> > Behind it all is surely an idea so simple, so beautiful, that when we grasp it – in a decade, a century, or a millennium – we will all say to each other, how could it have been otherwise? > John Archibald Wheeler, Annals of the New York Acade curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
> The issue of what exactly needs to be explained in an ‘appearance of design’ was first addressed by the clergyman William Paley, the finest exponent of the argument from design. In 1802, before Darwin was born, he published the following thought curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
BoI: > Horgan wrote that he had originally believed science to be ‘open-ended, even infinite’. Correct. Found it at But later that paragraph, BoI says: > He [Horgan] believed curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
I suspect DD will claim that his ellipsis use and capitalization edits are stylistic choices and don't count as errors. He might claim the Michelson omission of quote marks and capitalization is a stylistic choice since it's originally from a speech a curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
Dec found another misquote in BoI: > Check out the Michelson quote on page 198. Looks like the last sentence in the quote is itself a quote by Michels curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/24
BoI: > Before Blackmore and others realized the significance of memes in human evolution, all sorts of root causes had been suggested [...] And, as I have mentioned, sexual selection is always a candidate for explaining rapid evolution. Then there curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
I just skimmed the Kuhn stuff in FoR and didn't find any quotes of Kuhn. Now I don't trust DD's claims about what Kuhn said. ugh. It's hard to find quotes in FoR to check. I tried searching for a start single quote character but found tons of thing curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
Checking some quotes in FoR: >> I think that I have solved a major philosophical problem: the problem of induction. > Karl Popper Correct, though DD starts his quote mid sentence. It's from OK p. 1. OK is in the FoR bibliography. > When Popp curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
DD has called himself footnotes to Popper and tried to pretend that he's super humble. But the TCS FAQ (above in the blog post) is not the only thing giving him too much credit and Popper too little. For the general public, DD presents himself as h curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
Using one random spot check, Dec discovered that DD misquoted Hoftstadter. That makes 4 quoting errors in BoI that I know of just from some spot checking. I don't think I've checked a quote and had it be OK yet... There are likely other quoting errors curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
Should DD's professional, paid copy editor have checked the quotes? I'm not sure if that was part of his job. Looking up what copy editors do: > Verify factual correctness of inf curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
I also found which appears to have copied the "The inductivist or Lamarkian approach" misquote from a paper copy of BoI and typoed "Lamarkian" (which is correctly "Lamarckian" in BoI). I emailed him to let him know abou curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
Here's SFC misquoting Godwin being wrong about slavery: (it's there right now, but here's a mirror in case she stealth edits it: ) > “The condition of a … slave in the West-I curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
DD's misquote in BoI is missing the italics Popper used and moves the ellipsis to a worse place that doesn't make sense. curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
I added a second update about more quoting errors. curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
Here is DD's associate, Chiara Marletto, misquoting Popper with no source: > As Karl Popper put it, we can "let our ideas die in our place." curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
Think DD will fix stuff and add my name at ? curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23
#4 I fixed "is" to "are" in the last sentence and added the word "specific" before "source". Also, to be clear, I did not accuse DD of fabricating a Godwin quote. However, I am now accusing him of misquoting Popper and Feynman. curi David Deutsch and Sarah Fitz-Claridge Publish Misquotes 2021/06/23